Moving, Travelling And Changes: A Summer Recap — My Camera Roll


Knock, knock, long time no see! Summer has flown by and I honestly can't believe we are in September already. I wanted to share with you an update of how the past months have been, because I feel like I'm starting brand new again.

So feel free to get comfy and scroll down through some images from my camera roll and what I have been to lately.


I don't know about you, but I always choose planners starting in September. It gives me a "fresh start" comfort that inspires me to tackle coming back to work with a strong attitude.


So here I am, writing this blog post while sitting in my office, fresh September motivation running through my veins, new projects in the horizon and a lot of coffee to power me through it. I have been thinking about this season we are leaving behind and how different it has been from the previous ones. Still, I have to say that I feel incredibly grateful and privileged for having been able to travel – both to see my family in Spain, and my boyfriend's family in Norway.

For me, most of the stress of lockdown was not knowing when I was going to see my dad and my brother, and spending almost a month with them was much needed. Now, the uncertainty is back, but this time I am ready for it and I know it is not worth the stress and anxiety. There is nothing left but accepting it, come what may.


About my summer: it has been great. It started with a move – left my lovely room in Kreuzberg and fully installed myself in Wedding now. The few weeks that I have been in the city this season have been glorious (and very very humid and warm!), and after months of not even seeing certain parts of Berlin, it felt good to wander around the city and experience it again, especially in these months when Berlin's essence is at its finest! I can't believe I have been living here for a year already.


I have enjoyed leaving my phone aside for a bit and being present both in the seaside and in the mountain.


Then, spending some time off (as well as a bit of remote working) in Spain and Norway has been glorious. It was my first time discovering Norway (even though it has been in my bucket list for years and I almost went to Bergen on Erasmus), and I loved every single part that I saw. Even the food was amazing! Stay tuned for some Film Diaries on these trips.


Work-wise, from late April until mid-July I worked for an online magazine called Madnes Mag. My dear friend Patricia was invited to create an online beauty magazine and she invited me to create content for both the website and social media and run the Instagram account. It was definitely the quarantine savior and I enjoyed every minute of it, and the results showed it! We created a beautiful community around beauty, lifestyle and sustainability. In July, Patricia and I left the project, but we are already planning great things to come some time in the future.

Now I am focusing on getting better and finding more Berlin-based gigs, which is turning out exciting and successful! I am taking some smaller marketing courses and in October something quite exciting is happening... I'm starting my MBA in Graphic Design!

I had been thinking about it for a while, and since the school in Málaga where I wanted to study just went online, it seemed like the perfect time. I have been interested in graphic design since I didn't know it even had a name, and downloaded Photoshop at 12 years old to start playing with it. Nowadays I am completely capable of using the Creative Suite of Adobe and (thankfully) my style has refined a lot, but I have always felt like I needed that extra step to fully call myself and work as a graphic designer.


All of these being said, I am quite excited for this fall and what it will bring. The projects and the MBA are going to put my time management skills to the test, but I am thrilled about it! I also really want to pick up my German lessons and start posting somewhat regularly around here.


I am wondering if I should share my design work along the MBA around here. Is that something you would be interested in seeing?

What are your intentions for these months? Has your summer also left you inspired and ready to go back to being productive? I really want to know!





P.S. This is my camera roll — a lot of the photos shown here aren’t even edited. And the rest have been edited with Lightroom Mobile and my mobile presets. That’s it.


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